Congratulations on completing your journey with braces! Now, it is important that you wear your retainer as directed by Dr. Kupiec so that your new smile stays straight and healthy.
However, we know that with wearing your retainer, comes the responsibility to clean it so that the bacteria from your mouth is removed. So, what is the best way to clean retainers? A clean retainer will help you want to wear it!
It is best to clean your retainers as soon as you remove them from your mouth so that you can remove any debris before it hardens. We recommend using mild soaps like hand soap or dish soap on a soft brush to brush the retainer like you would your teeth. You will only need a very small amount of soap and never boil your retainer.
If you start to notice white spots (calcium deposits) on your retainer, call us for help. We have solutions in office that can professionally clean your retainer.
Last, always keep your retainer in a case when it is not in your mouth and remember to bring your retainer to all appointments so Dr. Kupiec can check to make sure everything is fitting as it should.